Fine Motor Development It's All Fun And Games! Professional Learning Session

During the month of September, we teamed up with Interventionists Wendy McIntyre, Sherri Lynn Hood and Juliette Poirier from Family and Early Childhood North.  Together we provided a professional learning session to educators in Dalhousie, Bathurst and Rexton on Fine Motor Development skills for children 0 to 5 years old. 


The session provided educators the opportunity to revisit typical growth and developmental milestones for our preschool population.  It also provided the opportunity to strategize specific “tips and tricks” for encouraging little hands to try new skills such as using scissors or beading.  As part of our “hands -on” activities, educators were encouraged to create their tallest towers using only pipe cleaners and a bit of imagination.  The results were truly impressive!


Looking for more ways to encourage fine motor development?  We will be continuing to upload interesting articles as well as our Fine Motor Monthly Motivators to our site.  Please continue to check back!